Tawanna Brown: An Advocate for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Black Lives Matter

GenZ Girls
3 min readMar 2, 2021


Tawanna Brown is a vocal advocate regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, and the Black Lives Matter movement. For one, Tawanna is a proud unapologetic black teenager, and while being black in America is hard, it is also rewarding. Tawanna has to defend her “blackness” every day — she lives it, she sees it, and she hears it. It is important for her to vocalize why her life is important and inspire the lives of her community. Domestic violence and sexual assault is something that Tawanna has experienced firsthand and survived, so she thinks it is extremely important for her to be the voice for many teens and children who may be experiencing domestic violence. She wants the younger generation to understand that there is power in our voices and that our past does not define our future. She lives by recreating her personal narrative and refuses to live a life where she continues a cycle of neglect and abuse. Instead, she chooses to use her past traumas to make her a better person and inspires others to push through obstacles because they are worthy and deserving of an amazing future.

As a child, Tawanna spent time in the foster care system and had to face challenges; however, it was these challenges that helped her find her voice. Her experiences allowed her to become a motivational speaker for domestic violence by speaking to children, teens, and adults. Speaking became a passion of hers, as it was a therapeutic way of healing. Being able to share her story and inspire many people in ways that she could have never imagined has become her “why”. In addition to opportunities from being in foster care, she was able to apply to be a youth council member for the New Jersey DCF Office of Family Voice. She is currently a proud member of this council and works alongside twenty-three other teens and young adults to help create a better experience for generations of children who may be placed into the system. In terms of what she has been doing to advocate for her community, she has been using social media and everyday life to share her struggles as well as resources for those willing to educate themselves. Currently, Tawanna lives in a predominately white town, and because of the current state of this country, she is explaining her pain and the reality of black people. By speaking up and using her voice, she was able to open the door for those uncomfortable conversations to be had. She asked minority students to send her emails about their experiences in their town and how racism and discrimination are a part of their lives. She hopes that youth will stay true to themselves and promote positivity.

You can follow Tawanna on Instagram @tawanna_sb

