Rithika Selvendiran: An Athletically Capable High Schooler

GenZ Girls
2 min readMar 4, 2021

Rithika Selvendiran is a high schooler who is very athletically involved. She loves to play tennis, and do an Indian classical dance form known as Bharatanatyam. She’s made a lot of friends through these two sports and has learned life qualities like patience, practice, and teamwork to be successful. Rithika finds herself spending time to inspire people not to lose hope in anything they do. She also inspires people by saying that you are only meant to learn from mistakes. With these great lessons that Rithika preaches, she will be a very successful girl through her athletic passions.

Being an Indian girl in the United States, Rithika has felt her voice be silenced several times. Rithika believes that in the world we live in, unfortunately, young girls have to face the unjust challenges everyone throws at them. They’re often looked down upon as inferior, so their opinions do not receive the necessary attention. In order to inspire other girls, a piece of advice that Rithika gives to young females around the world is “The world can be cruel to girls, but that doesn’t mean you should lose hope. Hope can make a big difference in how you see the world and it can give you the strength to never give up.” With Rithika being a strong advocate for not losing hope, she wants to see the best out of more young girls just like her.

You can follow Rithika’s journey through her Instagram @rithikaselvendiran

