Arefa Kapasi: A Passionate Tennis Player
Arefa is a young female who is passionate about tennis. She has been playing for many years, and really enjoys playing. She sees tennis as a way to make a lot of new friends and to express herself. Having a lot of experience in tennis, Arefa goes out of her way to inform other girls of great opportunities to be involved in. Currently, she volunteers at the Delaware Library to recommend books to various types of readers.
Arefa does not often find herself being silenced in the world, yet she knows many people whose voices go unheard. Arefa is grateful for the fact that in her community, she has the ability to voice her opinions through various social media platforms. Hearing the stories of many who don’t have much of a say in society, a piece of advice that Arefa would give them is, “Always voice what you want to say and don’t worry about what others might think of your opinions or how others might view them.”

You can follow Arefa on Instagram and/or Snapchat @arefa_groot